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SXSW 2022 Projects

Saturday 12th March - Tuesday 15th March



ScanLAB Projects

Art Program - Verbena (Fairmont) 

11:00am – 6:00pm

FRAMERATE is a contemplative artwork and a shared experience. The audience will bear witness to landscape alterations caused by industry and the immense forces of nature; destruction, extraction, habitation, harvests, growth, and erosion. Created from thousands of 3D time-lapse scans of British landscapes, the work observes change on a scale impossible to see with your eyes or the lens of traditional cameras. Stories unfold across an array of screens. Hypnotic imagery surrounds the visitor. Audio filters through the space. This is not just an artwork. The data contains ground-breaking scientific research and a glimpse into the future of a perpetually documented planet.


Sunday 13th March - Tuesday 15th March


Future Rites

Alexander Whitley Dance Company

XR Experience - Congressional Ballroom (Fairmont) 

11:00am – 6:00pm

Future Rites is an immersive and collaborative performance experience based on the seminal ballet The Rite Of Spring. Combining real-time animation and AI, it enables anyone to join in the dance. As users interact with a constantly evolving natural world, their movements and gestures decide a crucial outcome, guiding a narrative through this celebrated work of classical music around themes of ritual, nature and sacrifice.


(Hi)story of a Painting: The Light in the Shadow

Fat Red Bird Productions

XR Experience - Congressional Ballroom (Fairmont)

11:00am – 6:00pm

A latest episode of VR Series (Hi)Story of a Painting: The Light in the Shadow, narrated by Cerys Matthews, explores the extraordinary story of one of today’s most celebrated Baroque artists: Artemisia Gentileschi. We follow her journey as she navigates a world where women have virtually no rights, and becomes one of Europe’s most celebrated and in-demand painters of her time.


Goliath: Playing with Reality


XR Experience - Congressional Ballroom (Fairmont)

11:00am – 6:00pm

Through mind-bending animation, explore the limits of reality and a true story of mental health and the power of gaming. Echo (narrated by Tilda Swinton) guides you through the many realities of Goliath, a man who spent years in isolating mental health institutions but finds connection in multiplayer games. Combining heart-felt dialogue, mesmerising visuals and symbolic interactions, weave through multiple worlds to uncover Goliath's poignant story.

Created by Anagram, the team that brought you The Collider and Door into the Dark. Winners of the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival Storyscapes award, the 2019 Sandbox Immersive Art award, and part of the Best VR in 2019 at the Venice International Film Festival

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